Join us on the Wall

And I will make you to this people a fortified bronze wall; And they will fight against you, But they shall not prevail against you;
For I am with you to save you And deliver you,” says the L-rd.  “I will deliver you from the hand of the wicked,
And I will redeem you from the grip of the terrible.”

Jeremiah 15:20-21

When: Sunday, Nov. 5th  3:00 - 5:00 p.m. (Rain or Shine)

Where: 41 S. Central Ave. Clayton, Missouri 63105

We will gather in the Memorial Park BEHIND the Lawrence K. Roos County Government building between Meramec and Central Avenues.

Parking is available in the lot across the street from the County Government building or along any street.

***Professional Security will be Provided***

As one of Jerusalem’s holiest sites, the Western Wall is a place where people from around the world make pilgrimage to pray. Visitors often place written prayers in the cracks between the stones. Europeans in the late 1800’s began referring to it as “the weeping place” and today in the West it is known as “The Wailing Wall”.

In 1904, a 1:1 replica of The Western Wall was erected in Forest Park as part of the World’s Fair. At that time thousands of Jews and Christians prayed for the peace and restoration of Jerusalem there. 119 years later, we are gathering in a similar spirit to symbolically resurrect this wall of prayer in St.Louis, with ourselves as living stones.


Demonstrators will rally together in song and through receiving words of hope filled inspiration at the beginning. We will then spend time standing side by side “on the wall” wearing a white piece of tape over our mouths with a one word prayer inscribed upon it.


  • There are many who can no longer raise their voices because their lives have been extinguished through horrific acts of violence. We honor them with our silence, while also making a powerful public statement.

  • While many are raising their voices in brazen support of a terrorist organization, we humble ourselves before the G-D of heaven and earth and ask for His intervention on Israel’s behalf, and on behalf of those in Gaza and the West Bank who have been innocently caught within the crossfire.

  • As a young man, the Prophet Yeshayahu Isaiah had a vision in which he encountered the L-rd in His glory and became immediately aware that he was a man of unclean lips and lived among a people of unclean lips.  We, too, are aware that our lips have become sullied with profane ideologies and coarse language, and we must be silent and repentant before the L-rd of Hosts.

The Saint Louis Wailing Wall

Goal One

To mobilize Jews and Christians of all ethnicities in prayerful lamentation for the war in Israel, the atrocities being experienced in West Bank and Gaza, and the growing anti-semitism around the globe.

Goal Two

To forge a path toward deeper relationships and meaningful dialogue between the Jewish and Christian communities.

Goal Three

To remember, recover, and renew the historic relationship between the African-American and Jewish communities. There is a unique history to explore, and a generational friendship to restore.